
1. Sustainable Luxury

Our one-of-a-kind business model is designed to be the synergy between consumerism and sustainability.

2. Sustainable Packaging

As a Swap and Style member, you swap your clothes in an environment-friendly way. Our packaging is free of any microplastics and is 100 percent bio-degradable. To make our services more ecological, we recycle our packaging through our Swaps.

3. Sustainable Waste Disposal

The disposal of textile waste is one concerning question amidst the rising environmental concerns. With the objective to find an alternative goal to landfill, dumping or incineration of worn-out inventory, the Swap and Style team has intensively worked through its partner organizations to discover this revolutionary breakthrough technology which converts the textile waste from your favorite grails into construction reinforcements and ensures that no part of it ends up in landfills.

As a consumer and responsible citizen, you get an enhanced luxury experience to your doorstep with a minimal carbon footprint on nature.